A municipal utility gives Wakefield a unique ability to be able to think globally and act locally. As a Wakefield Municipal Gas & Light Department (WMGLD) Commissioner, I will help WMGLD provide excellent service to the residents and businesses of Wakefield while making choices that provide us with reliable and sustainable sources of energy.
I'm currently a Senior Systems Engineer with DellEMC and focus on designing the appropriate systems to match client needs. My 18 years of experience as a technologist have equipped me with the right balance of analytical and relationship management skills that will be an invaluable addition to the WMGLD Board.
I have lived in Wakefield for almost ten years, and have gradually adapted my house to be more energy efficient. From installing Solar Panels to switching to energy-efficient LED lighting and utilizing smart Thermostats, I have consistently made decisions that build on more efficient, renewable energy, with effects that are profound both in long-term cost-savings, and in reducing my carbon footprint. Having advocated for these causes personally, I am well-qualified to bring my expertise and experience to the Board and the Community of Wakefield.
I see opportunities to: improve transparency and communications, maintain low rates, and think strategically to provide the best service to our town’s residents and businesses.
As a WMGLD Commissioner, I will focus on the following:
Energy efficiency: I will develop new energy-efficient programs for both residences and businesses.
Rate stability: Keep our town’s rates stable. I will help WMGLD strategically plan and prioritize infrastructure improvements and maintenance with an eye towards rate impacts.
Sustainability: Reduce our dependence on fossil fuels. I will increase the portion of renewable energy sources in our electricity mix.

Electric utilities are facing a period of unprecedented change. They must continue to deliver cost-effective, reliable power in the midst of a rapidly changing technology landscape. In addition to integrating new technologies like solar and energy storage, today's utilities have access to vast data that can make their systems more responsive and efficient. Yet, as the Columbia Gas incident reminded us, utilities must also stay focused on safety, aging infrastructure, training and adherence to changing regulations.
Wakefield's locally-run municipal utility gives us a unique ability to be able to think globally and act locally. As a Wakefield Municipal Gas & Light Department (WMGLD) Commissioner, I will bring my new energy, insight, vision and experience to help WMGLD thrive in today's changing energy environment so it can provide excellent service to the residents and businesses of Wakefield.
I see opportunities to improve transparency and communications, maintain low rates, and think strategically to provide the best service to our town’s residents and businesses.
As WMGLD Commissioner I will focus on:

Rate Stability
Planning and prioritizing infrastructure improvements and maintenance with an eye towards rate impacts

Energy Efficiency
Developing new energy-efficient programs for both residences and businesses

Reducing our dependence on fossil fuels by increasing the portion of renewable energy sources in our electricity mix
“Lowering Wakefield Municipal Gas and Light Department costs while simultaneously improving our environment is among Thomas Boettcher’s top priorities,” said Jordan Meehan, Chair of the Massachusetts Sierra Club's Political Committee. “We look forward to him leading WMGLD towards the use of more lower-cost solar energy and less environmentally-damaging and expensive fossil fuel generated electricity. We encourage Wakefield voters to support him on election day, Tuesday, April 23.”

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